My favorite subject this semester was without a doubt Fundamentals of the Political System. In this matter, we deepen and discuss the main elements that make up modern political systems in the world, such as the form of government, the separation of state powers, party systems, etc. During this semester, we have seen the history of political science, the development of institutions, how the different actors of the electoral system tend to behave, and what has most caught my attention: the differences between the presidential and parliamentary systems in the politics world. This last topic is of special interest to me since I have always been interested in knowing how the different forms of government work in the world and their advantages and disadvantages compared to our own country, either because of how these systems provide stability its source of legitimacy. The work that I have had to carry out based on these issues has been very enriching for me since they have allowed me to investigate multiple new points of view that have made me question my own beliefs.


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